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Best order to teach cursive letters

Cursive letters are written in different shapes. Unlike the traditional way of teaching from “a” to “z”, these letters are to be taught in a different order. The order we give here would help the learner to incrementally turn the hand to write cursive letters in a very easy way.

You can teach lower case cursive letters in the following sequence.

Set 1: Letters c, o, a, d, g, q

Set 2: Letters i, u, w, t, r, s, j, p

Set 3: Letters e, l, b, f, h, k

Set 4: Letters n, m, v, y, x, z

Similarly, capital letters can be taught in the following sequence

Set 5: Letters C, O, Q, E, L, G

Set 6: Letters A, M, N, S, T, F, I, J

Set 7: Letters P, R, B, H, K, D

Set 8: Letters U, V, W, X, Y, Z

The letter is better understood when the learner repeats and writes it more often. So ask them to write at least 1o-15 times. A worksheet would be useful for this practice. You can use our free printable worksheets for lowercase and capital letters to teach cursive letter formation. These worksheets have arrows to show the letter formation as well as dotted letters for better practice.

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