Printable Worksheets → Paragraph Worksheets
For your cursive handwriting practice, we have prepared worksheets with informative paragraphs on 4-lined paper, 2-lined paper, 1-lined paper as well as on white paper. These paragraphs are in simple English, taken from Wikipedia. These worksheets contain informative paragraphs that will help you to improve your mind-eye-hand coordination.
Below are 40+ Worksheets with paragraphs on 4-lined, 2-lined, 1-lined as well as on plain paper. Click on the links below to download PDFs.
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Paragraphs on four lines
Banana (A banana is an edible fruit..)
Chocolate (Chocolate is made from .. )
Elephants (Elephants are large grey animals with .. )
Lotus (A lotus is often called a water .. )
Magnet (A magnet is a very special metal that .. )
Polar Bear (The polar bear is a large bear which .. )
Thermometer (A thermometer is an instrument that ..)
Torch (A torch is usually made of a .. )
Paragraphs on two lines
Earth (Earth is the third planet from .. )
Email (Electronic mail, popularly known as .. )
Library (Our school library is a quiet and ..)
Malaria (Malaria is an infectious disease caused by ..)
Mathematics (My favourite subject is .. )
Moon (The Moon is Earth’s natural .. )
Planet (Planet is a large object that orbits ..)
Plastic (A plastic is a material that can change .. )
Rocket (A rocket may be a missile, space ..)
Sandalwood (Sandalwood is a yellow, fine-grained and .. )
School (My school is a wonderful place where .. )
Paragraphs on one line
Agriculture (Agriculture is made up of farming..)
Chaganti Somayajulu (Chaganti Somayajulu was popularly known ..)
Chemicals (A chemical substance is any material.. )
Deforestation (Deforestation is when forests are ..)
Diwali (Diwali is a festival of lights ..)
Flag (A flag is a special piece of cloth with ..)
Globe (A globe is a spherical model of .. )
Gloria Travis Tanner (Gloria Travis Tanner is a former .. )
Himalayas (The Himalayas is a mountain range in ..)
Malgudi Days (Malgudi Days is a collection of short ..)
Monsoon (A monsoon is a seasonal wind which .. )
Mountain (A mountain is a large natural rise of ..)
Raja Ravi Varma (Raja Ravi Varma is a famous Indian .. )
Tom and Jerry (Tom and Jerry is an animated cartoon .. )
Paragraphs on white paper
Bharat Ratna (The Bharat Ratna is the highest civilian award .. )
Constitution of India (The Constitution of India is a special .. )
Democracy (Democracy is a way of governing ..)
Fortification (A fortification is a military construction or ..)
Independence Day (Independence Day is a significant day in .. )
National Symbols (India’s national symbols hold deep ..)
Union Territory of India (A Union Territory is an administrative .. )
You can download these PDFs freely. However, we request you to support our work by purchasing these PDFs.
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